The Changeling: A Novel book summary

Date Published: June 13, 2017

The Changeling: Summary

What would you do if you discovered your worst nightmare was real? The Changeling by Victor LaValle plunges you into a modern-day fairy tale set in the shadowy corners of New York City. Apollo Kagwa, a rare book dealer, and his wife Emma, a librarian, are living a seemingly perfect life in Washington Heights until the birth of their son, Brian. But when Emma begins receiving bizarre, disappearing photos of their baby, her sanity starts to unravel, leading to an unthinkable act that destroys their family. As Apollo embarks on a desperate quest to find Emma and uncover the truth behind her actions, he is drawn into a world where ancient myths collide with the stark realities of modern life.

LaValle expertly blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, weaving a tale that explores the horrors of parenthood, the weight of heritage, and the sinister forces lurking just out of sight. This standalone novel is not part of a series but stands out as a unique blend of horror, folklore, and psychological thriller. The Changeling captivates with its vivid characters and unexpected twists, making it a compelling read for those intrigued by dark, modern fairy tales.

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The Changeling: A Novel book summary
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The Changeling

Author: Victor LaValle

Date Published: June 13, 2017

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The Changeling: Genres

African American Literature
Urban Fantasy
Psychological Thriller

The Changeling: Main Characters

Apollo Kagwa: A dedicated rare book dealer with a deep connection to his Ugandan heritage. He values family above all, shown by his relentless quest to find his wife and son after their lives are torn apart. Despite the surreal circumstances, Apollo remains grounded in his love for his family, willing to confront both supernatural and human dangers to restore what was lost.

Emma Kagwa: A librarian and mother whose life is shattered by a belief that her baby has been replaced. She values maternal instinct and protection, demonstrated when she takes drastic measures to save what she believes is her true child. Emma’s descent into madness underscores her unwavering commitment to her child, even at the cost of her sanity.

Patrice Green: Apollo’s loyal friend and co-worker, who helps him in his journey to uncover the truth. He values loyalty and friendship, sticking by Apollo through dangerous and unbelievable situations. Patrice’s technological savvy and resourcefulness are crucial in uncovering the mysteries they face.

Cal: The leader of the women on the mysterious island, Cal embodies strength and wisdom, with a deep connection to ancient folklore. She values the preservation of life and the protection of children, guiding Apollo toward the truth about the changeling curse. Cal’s calm demeanor and knowledge of the supernatural provide a stark contrast to Apollo’s frantic search.

The Changeling: Themes

Parenthood and Sacrifice: The novel explores the lengths to which parents will go to protect their children. Apollo and Emma’s actions, though extreme, highlight the deep-seated fear of losing a child and the sacrifices parents make to keep their families safe.

The Intersection of Myth and Reality: The story blurs the lines between the real world and folklore, illustrating how ancient myths can resurface in modern life. The existence of changelings and trolls in contemporary New York City serves as a metaphor for the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the surface of everyday life.

Grief and Mental Illness: Emma’s descent into madness and Apollo’s struggle to make sense of her actions reflect the devastating impact of grief and mental illness. The novel portrays the fine line between reality and delusion, as characters grapple with loss and the fear of the unknown.

Cultural Identity and Heritage: Apollo’s connection to his Ugandan roots is a recurring motif, juxtaposed with the Norwegian folklore that dominates the latter part of the book. This theme highlights the importance of cultural heritage and the complexities of identity in a multicultural world.

The Power of Belief: The characters’ journey emphasizes the power of belief, both in the supernatural and in each other. As the story unfolds, Apollo and Emma must navigate their changing perceptions of reality and trust in the unbelievable to save their family.

The Changeling: What You Need to Know

The Changeling follows Apollo Kagwa and his wife, Emma, as they navigate the early stages of parenthood in Washington Heights, New York City. Their seemingly idyllic life takes a dark turn when Emma starts receiving eerie photos of their baby, Brian, which mysteriously vanish from her phone. These events, combined with her growing belief that Brian has been replaced by an imposter, strain their relationship to the breaking point. Apollo suspects postpartum depression and urges Emma to seek help, but the medications don’t alleviate her fears. Tensions escalate until Emma, convinced that Brian is not their child, chains Apollo to a chair and kills the baby.

After this traumatic event, Emma disappears, leaving Apollo devastated and desperate for answers. Apollo teams up with his friend Patrice to track her down, leading them to a strange buyer who purchases a rare copy of To Kill a Mockingbird from Apollo. This buyer, who turns out to be more than he seems, shares his own tragic story, revealing an obsession with lost children and hinting at a connection to Emma’s disappearance.

Apollo’s search eventually brings him to a hidden island off Manhattan, where he discovers a group of women who protect their children from the dark forces that haunt them. These women, led by Cal, inform Apollo that his son was a changeling, a creature from ancient folklore, and that Emma’s actions were driven by a desperate need to save their true child. Cal advises Apollo to dig up Brian’s grave, where he finds only sticks and leaves, confirming the horrific truth.

The story takes a darker turn as Apollo uncovers a family of Norwegian descent living in Queens, whose sinister ties to the changeling myth lead him deeper into the world of folklore. Apollo learns that a troll resides in North Park, preying on children who are then replaced by changelings. Apollo confronts the head of this family, who reveals the full extent of the supernatural conspiracy before Apollo kills him in a fit of rage.

In the final act, Apollo finds Emma living near the troll’s lair, determined to rescue their real son. Together, they venture into the cave, confronting the troll in a brutal battle. The troll swallows Brian whole, but Apollo and Emma manage to kill the creature and retrieve their son from its stomach. They return home, victorious but forever altered by their harrowing journey. The story closes with Apollo and Emma reunited with their son, their bond strengthened but their lives forever scarred by the darkness they have faced.

The Changeling: Our Methodology

Our summary of The Changeling by Victor LaValle is designed with you in mind, focusing on themes that resonate deeply, like the intersection of myth and reality and the challenges of parenthood. We meticulously analyzed the novel, highlighting the key elements that define its horror and folklore roots while maintaining the psychological tension that drives the story forward. Our commitment to accuracy ensures that each summary is a faithful reflection of the original work, offering insights that not only inform but also engage and captivate our readers.

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